Looking for space and freedom to explore spiritual questions and a place to nurture belonging?
4 pieces from our conversation with veteran, abbot, and author Logan M Isaac.
Stream films for free here.A Mystical Vision from Thomas Merton.
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Kelly Brown Douglas on "stand your ground culture."
White supremacy is a theology that kills.
Liberation is for all.
The racist roots of our faith and politics.
Emilie Townes on the cultural production of evil.
Michael Emerson talks about the history of race and immigration in the United States.
Too long have we tried to tame the Wind; too long have we sought to control what’s Wild; too long have we stood in domination over the Earth...Come, great Spirit...May we cast down every barrier to Your freedom. A visual benediction by Chris Neufeld-erdman.
PreviewMLK's prayer for the church with updated footage and narration.
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Set a Table for all.
How do you measure freedom?
All systems have disposable people.
Robyn Henderson-Espinoza on the multi-systems of oppression and the radical flourishing of all.
Is "redistribution" biblical?
Whose agenda do you serve?
Praise Song for the Pandemic. A visual benediction Written and read by Christine Valters Paintner.
Thoughts on Jesus and the Cross.
Spiritual director, and contemplative Juanita Rasmus on her journey from death to life.
Richard Rohr on the meaning of the cross.
God has nothing to do with death.
The reweaving of our wounds into marks.
Nadia Bolz-Weber on grace, forgiveness and the Cross.
New film series with the anti-apartheid movement veteran and an Anglican priest coming soon.
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Barbara A. Holmes on Womanist Theology.
Love always gets the last word.
Liberation is for all.
The struggle to be whole.
Mayra Macedo-Nolan on presence and reconciliation.
Nothing can fall out of God.
A 7-Session film Series with Walter Brueggemann.
Stream or download series.
Father Pico on Jesus and incarnation.
Barbara Brown Taylor on why our flesh matters.
James Alison on small spaces of possibility and the risk of indifference.
Brené Brown talks about love and Jesus.
Jesus' ultimate purpose.
John Phillip Newell on the sacredness of incarnation.
A six-session film series on the journey though the wilderness of woundedness.
Lean more.
Juanita Rasmus on God's Table.
A Table benediction.
Jesus' party invite recommendations.
Keep inviting people to the table.
A visual benediction. Music by Aaron Strumpel.
Shauna Niequist wants to bring back the potluck.
Who are we making the "other?"
Is our Christian identity built from fear from the other? Christian author and peacemaker Brian McLaren on four challenges - historical, doctrinal, liturgical and missional - to consider for community transformation.
Juan Martinez on the other.
Richard Twiss on why North American Christians don't listen to donkeys.
Are you quick to listen to others in grace?
Manu on interfaith compassion.